Sunday, January 15, 2017

January Garden Blogger Bloom Day Post

I can not believe it is time for the January Garden Blogger Bloom Day Post!  Where does the time go? 
I will post a few photos of things I have taken pictures of lately.  Hope you enjoy. 
The Aloes are blooming away like crazy.
 The Kalanchoes, though not a bloom, I thought looked neat so I took a photo.
 Another Aloe bloom- this is the 'Grassy Lassie'- one of my favorites of the Aloes.
 Who doesn't love an Echeveria bloom?
 The Pines are looking beautiful in the sunlight.
The Arbutus have the most beautiful blooms- so intricate.  Little pink showers of blooms.   
It is January 2017.  I can almost not believe it.  Short but sweet post- hope you enjoyed! Be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens to see all the gardens all over!!